Our Cultural Strategy.

A Manifesto for Arts and Culture in Essex

Essex County Council’s Cultural Strategy was launched in August 2023 and is a broad and ambitious document created from an extensive series of workshops and consultations with the cultural sector, creative practitioners and residents. The aim of this research was to capture the essence of what makes up the cultural identity of Essex and to identify areas for growth and development.

The Essex Cultural Strategy is intended to be the start of a conversation, it is a statement of intent, defining a roadmap as to how we can help create the conditions for success.

Colchester Arts Centre – Credit Jeff Scott

Mapping Creative Hubs in Essex

We recognise that we have areas where culture and the arts are underrepresented and can be hard for residents to access. By mapping the county’s creative networks and hubs, we will aim to build a picture of Essex which represents the strength of the sector as it is today, but also where we need to help improve it in the future.

Essex is a diverse and historically rich region, one of the most populous counties in the country with a coastline stretching over 350 miles along the North Sea and the Thames Estuary. Throughout history, this porous coastline has been a gateway for numerous visitors and settlers from Romans to the arrival of Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans. These varied historical layers have contributed to Essex’s unique essence and rich heritage.

This multiculturalism has influenced local culinary scenes, festivals, artistic expression, and community activities. With excellent transportation links, the county has developed a vibrant economy spanning quantum technologies, medicine, data science, agriculture, manufacturing, and creative industries.

The Essex study was intended to take a deeper dive into the Creative Hub ecosystem found in the county. The study aimed to gain a better understanding of the profile of Creative Hubs, including their members, activities, roles, and impact in Essex. 

In 2023, the Cultural Development Team at ECC commissioned a study to map Creative Hubs across the county. The report builds on a national mapping study ‘Mapping Creative Hubs in England’, which was commissioned by the British Council in 2021.

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