
Councillor Mark Durham

Councillor Mark Durham is a member of the Arts Council England South East Area Council which includes artists and creative practitioners and local authority representatives who offer their perspective, expertise and unique voices to help shape Arts Council England’s work in Essex and the South-East and is also the Cabinet Member for The Arts, Heritage and Culture at Essex County Council.

Councillor Mark Durham

“Essex’s arts, culture and creative sector has an amazing wealth of talent from cutting edge game studios to world famous fashion brands and designers. We have great strength in our National Portfolio Organisations including recent Museum of the Year Firstsite, Essex Cultural Diversity Project and Rhiannon Faith Theatre Company amongst many others. Essex is renowned for our Creative and cultural sector, and we lay claim to some of the country’s most influential artists and musicians. A combination of dramatic landscapes and an innovation and community-based spirit makes Essex what it is today and the perfect place to nurture and grow creative talent.”
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